
An amazing scientific documentary.

The kingdom of Qin conquered other six kingdoms of China around 2000 years ago. I suspect this is a war between Sparta and Athena, and the winner is the polarized military country too as in the the Peloponnesian War. Here are some evidences:
The irony arms have appeared in other countries, but Qin still use bronze, with high quality. It suggests that Qin is good at utilizing mature techs but not inventing new but risky techs.
The battle tactic and skill of Qin's army are very advanced, but this is a sort of knowledge can be gained only by training of people. However, their armor is so light which means the spending on equipment is less than that of other kindoms(Wei). Therefore less resources per capita are spent.
The organization of army is explicitly hierachical, which might not be common at that age. The law encourages warriors to kill enemy with heavy rewards.