
A post about internet auction spam from mit.bbs

发信人: gourmand (食客), 信区: shopping
标 题: Re: 玉门
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Sun Apr 2 17:05:31 2000), 转信
You can cancel the bidder if you don't want sell the item
to that bidder.

Some prof. auctioners paly a trick on your auction.
The most ordinary situation is one prof. guy selling the same
item as you but ending in little later time than you. He use a fake
id to raise your price. It usually happens in last 2 minutes.
There are two 2 advantages for him:
1. He get a customer, the second higher bidder will bid on his
2. He raise the price.
In chinese, it is called "放鸽子"

When I am selling some expensive items, I met 3 such situations.
One guy raise my palm to $310.00, another raise the c2020 to $710.00.
On the last time, I canceled the fake id without any hesiate and
successful sold my item, although at a lower price. It's better than
wait another week.

So, watching your bidder carefully. Anylsis any abnormal price.

Good lucky.

【 在 jjmm (Yes, I love Claire.) 的大作中提到: 】
: 放在ebay上的三个item都被一个 -2 rating 的家伙排了去。前面两个受害者都
: 说这小子不付钱。那家伙bidding price奇高无比,ebay又要charge偶好多好多
: 的钱。估计那小子在ebay上亏了钱,正伺机报复。怎么就让我给碰上了呢?


Anonymous 匿名 said...


11:58 上午  


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